Archive for September, 2011

Overtime Rules

Tuesday, September 20th, 2011

Do the overtime rules have you confused or concerned?  Not sure when to pay overtime or how to avoid paying overtime?  The Labor Department has released permissible methods to avoid paying overtime to your employees.  Please call me for more information.

Fixed Asset Issues

Tuesday, September 20th, 2011

Are you carrying assets on your books that you long ago got rid of?  This is potentially a double-whammy.  If you dispose of an asset, you can write off the remaining tax basis for a loss on your tax return.  Also, you can remove the asset from your business property tax roll.  If you are […]

Where is your return being prepared?

Tuesday, September 20th, 2011

Have you ever closely read the engagement letter your CPA asks you to sign each year?  If not, be on the lookout for this or some similar clause: “We may outsource preparation of your tax return.” What your CPA is not telling you is that the outsourcing may be to India.  That’s right, your CPA […]

Tax Scams

Tuesday, September 20th, 2011

There are plenty of tax scams out there.  One of the most common is claiming that the government has no authority to collect taxes under the Constitution.  Another scam states that you can opt out of the US jurisdiction of taxation by claiming you are an “American” citizen, not a citizen of the USA.  Semantics, […]